Heads Up on a new
Hammock from
Clark Jungle Hammocks
Alterations to the
Tropical 2:
Enter the TX-150
Funny thing, I have
purchased enough Clark Hammocks, that when I
ordered this last one, a Tropical 2, although I was looking
forward to it, I wasn't all that anxious
for it to arrive.
But after talking to
Spencer at Clark about "Have you thought of doing this to
the Tropical" And him saying, "Yea we
have thought of it, but being very busy, we haven't had the
time to devote to R&D"
We talked at length and
when we were done, I thought cool, they will likely do some
high level talks and one day . . .
So I get home that night
to an email from Spencer, where he says: Okay, so we’ve had
time to talk about getting going on the Tropical (alterations),
We think you’ll like what we’ve come up with to solve some
issues. We will have the prototype
ready in a couple of days. Here’s the question: Do
you want your Tropical that you just ordered to be the new
prototype to test?
Let us know.
My first and immediate
thought was 'well yeeeeaaa'
That was 2 or 3 weeks
ago, and I have been on the edge of my seat the whole time.
So it has arrived, and
I am waiting for the weekend to do a test hang and take some
Sitting on the edge of my seat
Trying it out.
It was a very
windy day so I never got out till later.
In this report I
will need to compare this TX-150 to both the Tropical 2 and
the NX-150 as it is a hybrid of the two.
Being that I own
two Clark Jungle Hammock models, I have come to realize that
the lay in one is different than that of the other. And I
can only attribute that to the spreader bars.
My first hammock
was the NX150 and that choice was made after much
contemplation. I have owned and used it for the better part of a
year, in summer and winter too as cold as -13°C
using the Z-liners and Thicker DIY pads stuffed with
quilting material, and yes I will agree that that is not the
best choice, but with a good bag ended up to warm.
I had become very comfortable with the
NX-150, and then was offered an opportunity to think about
going to the jungles of Samoa, and or Vanuatu. When I
thought of that trip, I felt that the NX-150 might be a
little warm with the pockets underneath the bed, and figured
that is why Clark offers a Tropical 2 model, so ordered one.
When I received that one I immediately tried it and that is
when I found the lay to be different. Not bad only
different. And I am not sure I can put it into words, except
to say that I prefer the lay of the NX-150.
As it turns out I know a Missionary in
Mozambique that is going to the Congo and I felt he really
needed a Jungle Hammock so sent him the Tropical 2 that I had, and
therefore needed to order another for myself. That is when I
thought that a Tropical 2 with spreader bars would be
the ultimate tropical jungle hammock, and that maybe I
should ask Spencer at Clark what he thought of it.
Deploying the TX-150:
As with any of the Clark JH, I have
found that the simple two line suspension system, results in
a quick and easy setup. I have the hammock packed in a stuff
sack foot end first, because when I am setting up I am
thinking of where the head end should be. After roughly
mentally calculating the amount of space between the tree
and the TX-150, I tie the head end using the drip-ring
method. Using the drip rings the hammock tension or droop is
easily adjusted.
One of my first thoughts is, "Well I
kind of miss the attached fly system that the Tropical 2
utilizes", but that thought quickly fades as I insert the
spreader rods. As with all Clark JH, this TX-150 is a good
looking unit, and the amazing quality of workmanship stands
out, first and foremost. You will not find a loose thread
hanging anywhere, and all stitch lines are arrow shaft
straight. The bed is a full two ounce rip stop material,
providing a solid long lasting lay, as well as being the
only hammock bed that has been developed to be 100%
impenetrable by mosquitoes. And I think that is worth
mentioning as other hammock manufactures toot the lightness
of the beds in their units to attract the ultra-light
With the spreader bars inserted and
while laying in the TX-150, I am reminded of the total
spacious environment, and roominess that the spreader bars
At this point with the no-see-um bug
netting unzipped, I reached up to un zip the weather shield
at the head end. I was easily able to reach and accomplish
this task without having to get up and out of the
hammock. I was happy for that, as re-zipping in the middle
of the night because of a weather change would be easy as
With the pockets of the TX-150 not
under the torso I can really feel the coolness of the lay as
I did when comparing the Tropical 2 to the NX-150.
Over all I am very impressed with the
new TX-150 model, and give my full support to including this
as an excellent choice in the
Clark Jungle Hammock
line of products.
If you are contemplating the need for a
cool lay in a hammock I would highly recommend the roomy
feel of the CJH TX-150.
PS: The weather during this test was
overcast and cool . . . I will be adding photos to this
review as time allows.
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TX-150 Hung with the right amount of sag for being M/T

Always remove your footwear.

I could have put my boots in the pockets
But I'm just testing the lay.

With the Weather Shield tucked away and the Head Shield up
I can feel the coolness of the bed compared to the NX-150.

I thought that I would try releasing the Head Shield while laying

And it worked quite well for a first try.

Very roomy, and sorry that I didn't think till now
to get my daughter to photo a head shot
to show my shoulders and how much
room there is there as well.